Weed library - Gorse (Ulex europaeus)

Gorse is a prickly, perennial, evergreen legume which, if left undisturbed, will grow to a height of more than 3 m. It produces deep and extensive roots.

It is a weed of Nation Significance due to its invasiveness, impacts, potential for spread and effects on socioeconomic and environmental values.

Herbicide Control Options

Step 1. Select your situation

Control Tips

Spray Window**

  • Gorse can be treated all year round, provided the plant is actively growing and the appropriate herbicide is used.
  • Gusto Woody and noxious weed herbicide + Holdfast wetting agent and Penetrant can be used all year round provided the gorse is actively growing. Refer to the label for more details.


*The optimum time for spraying can depend on location, species and product used. Always refer to the product label before use. 

Gusto Woody and Noxious Weed Herbicide is registered for the control Gorse.

When using Gusto in a high volume spraying situation:

  • Spray to thoroughly wet all the foliage but not to cause run off
  • Spray when the plant is actively growing
  • Regrowth must be at least 40cm before spraying
  • Use a high quality non ionic wetting agent like Weed Forces Holdfast for best results helping to improve wetting and herbicide penetration of the plant foliage.

  • DO NOT disturb Gorse for 12 months after spray application
  • DO NOT spray when the plant is stressed (i.e. Drought, physical damage, insect damage, frost)

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